What’s the easiest way to double your money?

What two things can you never eat before breakfast?

What do you get if you cross an insect and a rabbit?

What has a tongue, cannot walk, but gets around a lot?

What does Brazil produce that no other country produces?

How do you make the number one disappear by adding to it?

What does December have that other months don’t have?

If you drop a yellow hat in the Red Sea what will it become?

All men take off their hats to one person. Who is this person?

How can a pants pocket be empty and still have something in it?

Why does an Elephant drink more water in January than February?

Is an older one-hundred dollar bill worth more than a newer one?

What 5-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?

What word of five letters has only one left when two letters are removed?

Scientists are trying to figure out what is between Heaven and Earth. What is it?