Why is a manhole round? Why is it better to have round manhole covers compared to square manhole covers?

When you have me, you feel like sharing me. But, if you do share me, you don’t have me. What am I?

In US, what’s the largest amount of money you can have in change and still not have change for a dollar?

Two men play 5 games of checkers. Each man wins the same number of games. There are no ties. How is this possible?

Two men play 5 games of checkers. Each man wins the same number of games. There are no ties. How is this possible?

Of the king I am blue and of the peasant I am red. Of the frog I am cold and of the dog I am hot instead. What am I?

Mr. Smith has two children. If the older child is a boy, what is the probability that the other child is also a boy?

There is a fire in a 12 storey building. A man panics and jumps out of the window. How does he survive from the fall?

You have 8 small matches, 4 of which are half the length of the other 4. Make three equal squares out of the 8 matches.

Two mothers and two daughters go shopping. They have $21, which they split equally between them. How can this be possible?

There was a small get-together. There were a total of 28 handshakes exchanged between the guests. How many guests were present?

“Jean is my niece,” said Jack to his sister Jill. “She is not by niece,” said Jill. How is it possible?

If one and a half teenagers can eat one and a half pizzas in one and a half days, how many pizzas can 9 teenagers eat in 3 days?

A house has 6 stories, each the same height. How many times as long is the ascent to the sixth floor as the ascent to the third?

Molly and Maggie are Martha’s mother’s son’s wife’s daughters. What relation is Martha to Molly and Maggie?