If you see a reflection of an analogue clock which shows 2:30, what will be the original time?

In 1990, a person is 15 years old. In 1995, that same person is 10 years old. How can this be?

In a tunnel of darkness lies a beast of iron. It can only attack when pulled back. What is it?

Many have heard me but nobody has seen me and I will not speak back until spoken to. What am I?

I live without a body, hear without ears, speak without a mouth, and am born in air. What am I?

What do you throw out when you want to use it, but take in when you don’t want to use it?

There’s a place in the world where the wind blows south then suddenly north. Where is it?

Although I may have eyes, I cannot see. I have a round brown face with lots of acne. What am I?

Can you take 4 7’s and arrange them with any math symbols needed to make the total be 100?

I am lighter than air but a hundred people can’t lift me. Careful, I am fragile. What am I?

It’s been around for millions of years, but it’s no more than a month old. What is it?

What day would tomorrow be if yesterday was five days before the day after Sunday’s tomorrow?

A blue man lives in the blue house. A red man lives in the red house. Who lives in the white house?

I am free the first time and second time, but the third time is going to cost you money. What am I?

I like to twirl my body but keep my head up high. After I go in everything becomes tight. What am I?