What is it that you can keep after giving it to someone else?

What is two days after the day after the day before yesterday?

What doesn’t get any wetter no matter how much it rains?

There is one in every corner and two in every room. What am I?

In what year did Christmas and New Year fall on the same year?

All men take off their hats to one person. Who is this person?

Why does an Elephant drink more water in January than February?

What loses its head every morning and gets it back every night?

What word has 5 letters but is pronounced like only one letter?

How can a pants pocket be empty and still have something in it?

What makes tears without sorrow and takes its journey to heaven?

What do the letter ‘t’ and an island have in common?

Is an older one-hundred dollar bill worth more than a newer one?

I am six letters. When you take one away I am twelve. What am I?

What can you hold in your right hand, but not in your left hand?