Three times what number is no larger than two times that same number?

I drive men mad for love of me, easily beaten, never free. What am I?

If an electric train is traveling south, which way is the smoke going?

A man walked all day long but only moved 2 feet. How is this possible?

How can you express the number 100 using six nines and no other digits?

There is a house. One enters it blind and leaves it seeing. What is it?

What is the only 15-letter English word with fifteen different letters?

I am the shortest complete sentence in the English language. What am I?

What’s better than the best thing and worse than the worst thing?

What is the next number in the sequence? 1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, 312211

How many squares are there on a chessboard? (Hint: The answer is not 64)

Can you name the largest number that can be written with four 1’s?

What word of five letters has only one left when two letters are removed?

If today is Sunday, what day of the week will it be 4400 days from today?

I am a word. I become longer when the third letter is removed. What am I?