Jagermeister was originally manufactured as a cough medicine

Mageiricophobia’ is the intense fear of having to cook

Happy Pizza is a pizza sold in Cambodia topped with marijuana

The largest fruit crop on earth is grapes followed by bananas

Vanilla flavoring is sometimes made with the urine of beavers

48% of fountain drinks and sodas are contaminated with E coli

Cheddar cheese is dyed orange Cheese is never naturally orange

People are likely to spend more money in areas that smell good

Lemon juice can help reduce the swelling caused by insect bites

Someone with an irrational fear of meat is called a carnophobic

Adding salt to pineapple will actually cause it to taste sweete

People who sleep less get drunk easier than those who sleep more

Hot sauce speeds up your metabolism and can help you lose weight

Strawberries are the only fruits whose seeds grow on the outside

Jägermeister was originally intended to be a cough medicine