A black eye in medical terminology is called Bilateral periorbital hematoma

Farting can help reduce high blood pressure and is beneficial to your health

If you were to compare the two by weight bone is 5 times stronger than steel

You re born with 300 bones but when you get to be an adult you only have 206

80 % of people infected with a sexually transmitted disease have no symptoms

People that smoke have 10 times as many wrinkles as people that do not smoke

A person who suffers from Cataplexy is often paralyzed by their own emotions

Until babies are six months old they can breathe and swallow at the same time

Looking through a small hole will immediately improve your vision temporarily

Men pass testosterone through kisses which can help increase a woman s libido

Studies show that prolonged exposure to light at night can lead to depression

The human heart creates enough pressure while pumping to squirt blood 30 feet

Women carry more sweat glands than men but men s sweat glands are more active

People born with Isolated Congenital Anosmia have absolutely no sense of smell

Holding a banana peel over a bruise for 10 to 30 minutes will remove its colo