Sleep disruption caused by working nights is classified as a potential cause of cancer.

At General Motors, the cost of health care for employees now exceeds the cost of steel.

Humans are the only primates that don’t have pigment in the palms of their hands.

Your eyes are always the same size from birth but your nose and ears never stop growing

In 1980, a Las Vegas hospital suspended workers for betting on when patients would die.

Sitting in front of the computer for 6 hours a day increases your risk of death by 40%.

Your eyes are always the same size from birth but your nose and ears never stop growing.

Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.

Women who play video games tend to have more sex and be happier with their relationships.

Research shows that a hammock improves sleep quality and makes people fall asleep faster.

Women who regularly jog live about 5.6 years longer on average than women who do not jog.

Acupuncture was first used as a medical treatment in 2700 BC by Chinese emperor Shen-Nung.

Memorizing lyrics can help strengthen your brain and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s.

It is possible to die from a broken heart. This condition is called Stress Cardiomyopathy.

Staying awake for 17 hours has the same effect on your body as drinking 2 glasses of wine.