It is beneficial to lick your wounds. A variety of compounds in human saliva actually do speed up healing.

Humans get less sleep, and less deep sleep, around the full moon, even if they sleep in a windowless room.

Sleeping allows your brain’s synapses to be optimized and prevent your brain from becoming too large.

Being able to instantly respond with sarcasm within seconds to a stupid question is a sign of healthy brain.

Eating bacon can help you recover from a hangover by “soaking up” excess alcohol from your system.

Eating a banana can cheer you up as it helps the body to produce serotonin which alleviates mental depression.

Studies show that pretending to be okay when you are not increases mental pain and makes you feel even sadder.

When a pregnant woman suffers organ damage, the fetus sends stem cells to the damaged organ to help repair it.

90% of your body mass is stardust, because all the elements except for hydrogen and helium are created in stars.

Inhaling the aroma of peppermint can help alleviate jet lag, concentrate during stress, and boost energy levels.

People who regularly get less than 6 hours of sleep increase their chance of dying over a 25-year period by 12%.

Foreign accent syndrome is a rare brain disorder which causes people to speak in a foreign accent involuntarily.

There is a device that can permanently replace the function of your heart. Side effect – you have no pulse.

Broken heart syndrome is a cardiac condition which can occur suddenly after extreme emotional or physical stress.

Everyone in the Middle Ages believed — as Aristotle had — that the heart was the seat of intelligence.