Humans are the only animals to sleep on their backs

About 108 billion humans have so far lived on Earth

Music is the 4th most wanted material item by humans

About 10 000 000 people have the same birthday as you

There are more than 1 00 chemicals in a cup of coffee

There are 92 known cases of nuclear bombs lost at sea

The process of making a baseball bat is called boning

After eating too much your hearing becomes less sharp

Ever noticed - The Roman Numeral for forty (40) is XL

Money isn t made out of paper It s made out of cotton

Thinking about your muscles can increase your strength

The first animal in space was a female dog named Laika

Women shoplift more often than men The ratio is 4 to 1

Lollipop is the longest word typed with your right hand

Studies show sleep-deprived people look less attractive