The value of Pi was first calculated by the Indian Mathematician Budhayana

In 2000 Japan named Instant Noodles their best invention of the 20th century

The same man invented heroin and aspirin in the same year: Felix Hoffman 1897

Hungarian brothers George and L szlo Biro invented the ball point pen in 1938

Richard Cadbury invented the first Valentine s Day candy box in the late 1800s

The first ever self-adhesive stamps were issued by Sierra Leone in February 1964

Bananas were discovered by Alexander the Great in 327 B C when he conquered India

Learning how to speak a second language helps protect against age-related memory loss

The oldest known animal in the world was Ming the 405 year old clam discovered in 2007

Carbonated soda water was invented in 1767 by Joseph Priestley the discoverer of oxygen

Memories are transferred in the brain from temporary to permanent storage while we sleep

The first person to propose a contact lens system was Leonardo da Vinci in the 16th century

Scientists estimate that 86% of all land creatures and 91% of sea creatures remain undiscovered

If your DNA was to be stretched out it would go from the earth to the moon and back 6 000 times

The common mousetrap was invented by the same guy who invented the machine gun—Hiram Maxim