The Sun weighs 2 000 trillion trillion tonnes - over 300 000 times the weight of the Earth

Cats do not have sweet taste receptors They can only taste things that are salty or bitte

A monotreme is a mammal that lays eggs but suckles its young on milk once they have hatched

The Albatross can glide on air currents for several days and can even sleep while in flight

Japanese Crested Ibis is one of the rarest birds in the world Fewer than 50 are alive today

Young sloths have been known to fall to their death after mistaking their own arms for tree

The telegraph plant of Asia has leaves that flutter constantly even when there is no breeze

The sun orbits the center of the Milky Way and takes 250 million years to complete its orbit

Diamonds with strong colors like red pink and blue are called fancies and are extremely rare

Mount Everest moves approximately 2 4 inches (10 cm) in a Northeasterly direction every yea

Mount Everest moves approximately 2 4 inches (10 cm) in a Northeasterly direction every yea

Cats do not have sweet taste receptors - They can only taste things that are salty or bitte

Dolphins Killer Whales and Beluga Whales have to keep 1/2 of their brains awake when sleeping

About 17% of the human population is left-handed The same is true of chimpanzees and gorillas

Crabs and other crustaceans can actually feel pain and retain memories of painful experiences