The average diameter of a one-carat diamond is 6 42 mm

The white part of your fingernail is called the Lunula

The simple past tense version of the word dare is durst

A pogonip is a heavy winter fog containing ice crystals

Morphine is named after Morpheus the Greek god of dreams

Steatopygia means an accumulation of fat in the buttocks

Hypnophobia is a morbid fear of sleep and falling asleep

That indentation above your top lip is known as Philtrum

Clinomania is the excessive desire to lay in bed all day

The process of mountain formation or upheaval is orogeny

Dyscalculia is the technical term for dyslexia with math

The Barbie doll s full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts

A jiffy is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second

A jiffy is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second

The word Swastika literally means being happy in Sanskrit