Agalmatophilia is an attractions to statues or mannequins

The act of yawning and stretching is called pandiculation

Earth is traveling through space at 660 000 miles per hou

The world s largest exporter of beef in the world is India

The You are here arrow on a map is called the IDEO locato

Spaghetti is the plural form of the Italian word spaghetto

Pope Francis used to work as a bar bouncer in Buenos Aires

Obsessive nose picking is referred to as rhinotillexomania

Flamingos are monogamous and lay only a single egg per yea

Taresthesia is what you call it when your foot falls asleep

Dreamt is the only English word that ends in the letters mt

That scent that lingers after drizzling is called petricho

Bubble wrap was first manufactured to be sold as wall pape

The division symbol (÷) is actually called an Obelus

A wood-pecker s tongue wraps around its skull when retracted