The reason Tetris is so addictive is because our deep-seated psychological drive to tidy up.

A Chinese man grew a nose on his forehead so that doctors could transplant it onto his face.

In space, astronauts cannot cry, because there is no gravity, so the tears can’t flow.

In space, astronauts cannot cry, because there is no gravity, so the tears can’t flow!

Memories settle down in the brain from temporary to permanent storage while we’re sleep.

If your DNA was to be stretched out, it would go from the earth to the moon and back 6,000 times.

A “dacryphiliac” is someone who gets sexually aroused from watching other people cry.

The remains of 125 people will be launched into space where they will orbit the Earth for centuries.

A hurricane releases more energy in 10 minutes, than all the world’s nuclear weapons combined.

When you hear a bullwhip snap, it’s because the tip is traveling faster than the speed of sound.

In 10 minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all of the world’s nuclear weapons combined.

If Earth’s life was compressed into 1 year, then humans would have been around for only 2 seconds.

Pluto will complete its first full orbit around the sun (since its discovery) on Monday, March 23rd 2178.

Glycoprotein and selenium is found in human semen which helps reduce breast cancer in women by almost 50%.

The scent of rain is produced by the same type of bacteria that causes water to taste “earthy”.