In the 1930s, penicillin was so precious that it was re-extracted from the urine of patients to conserve every bit of it.

Cracking your knuckles does not actually hurt your bones or cause arthritis. The sound you hear is just gas bubbles bursting.

For $250,000, you can have your body cryogenically frozen upon death, in hopes of being revived up to 10,000 years in future.

“Schmeat” is meat grown in a lab and derived from real animal cells. It is currently valued at $338, 000 per piece.

Pineapples has proteins that degrade meat. Many people who work in pineapple plantations have obscured or removed fingerprints.

Each person has stripes on their body called “Blaschko’s Lines”. They are only visible under ultraviolet light.

The Periodic Table, the Beatles’ song “Yesterday”, the DNA structure, and Google are all ideas conceived in dreams.

NASA reports that a new Earth-like planet (Kepler 22-b) has been discovered and has the highest probability yet of a planet to support life.

Brain freeze is caused by brain sensing the drop of temperature in your palate. It increases blood pressure trying to save you from freezing.

Broken hearts hurt because when dealing with social pain such as being dumped, two areas of the brain that respond to physical pain also activate.

By the time you finish saying “I love you” to someone, about 20,000 cells in your body will have died and been replaced with new cells.

Everyone’s belly button ecology is unique like a fingerprint. Scientists found 1,458 new species of bacteria living in the belly button in 2012.

Sunburn is actually radiation burn, directly damaging you DNA. Your body responds with inflammation, increasing blood flow to the burned area for repair.

Sodium lauryl sulfate in toothpaste numbs the sense of sweetness and sharpens bitterness, causing orange juice to taste terrible after brushing your teeth.

Japanese senior citizens volunteered to tackle the nuclear crisis at Fukushima so that young people wouldn’t have to subject themselves to radiation.