After dying this cat walked up to the Pearly Gates where he met St Peter St Peter says to the cat During your time on earth you were a good little cat You kept your masters house barn free of pests and for this faithful service you get one wish for anything you would particularly like ”The cat thinks for a moment before replying Well my master had this satin pillow that I loved so I would like a satin pillow just like that one ”St Peter replies Go on through you`ll find it waiting A little while later a group of field mice appear at the Pearly Gates St Peter greets them saying During your time on earth you were good little field mice You kept the other pests from destroying the farmers crop so as a reward you may have anything you like in heaven The field mice converse briefly before one steps forward and says The farmers children had roller skates and they looked like a lot of fun so that`s what we`d like St Peter replies Go on through you`ll find them waitng A while later St Peter was strolling through Heaven when he came across the cat who was sitting on his satin pillow purring contentedly So how are you enjoying Heaven? St Peter inquired Oh it`s wonderful answered the cat This pillow is just divine even better than the one I had in Earth and the Meals on Wheels *kisses his paw* Nice Touch

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