A man was browsing in an antique store when he came upon a statue of a rat He asked the price and the owner said The statue of the rat is 100; the legend behind the statue is another 100 The man agreed to buy only the statue itself although the owner warned as he left You`ll be back for the legend The man tossed the statue into the back seat of his car and started to drive away There were several rats in the alley that began to chase the car As he went through town many more rats began to chase the car until literally hundreds of rats were swarming the car Frightened the man sped toward the edge of town to a bridge over the river He tossed the statue over the bridge and into the water below All the rats jumped in after the statue and drowned The man now visibly shaken returned to the antique store The owner seeing him approach said Now do you want the legend behind the statue of the rat? No the man replied but do you have any lawyer statues?

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