Saying that I`m fat in front of people just to hear that I`m not fat.

"Women are wiser than men because they know less and understand more."

Tall guy + short girl = cuuuute :) but short guy + tall girl = awkward.

He`s the kind of guy who makes you love your name just because he says it.

The awkward moment when your boyfriend`s hair is so much better than yours

I need no reason to love you, but I need thousands of reasons to leave you.

Girls never mind staying up a bit longer just to talk to a guy they love :)

A girl`s smile hides thousand words, a girl`s tears hides thousand feelings.

Best feeling ever is when you lose weight, and your boobs stay the same size.

She can talk about him all day but when he`s actually around she`s speechless

Nice guys are found at every corner of the earth...too bad the earth is round.

What do you call a guy who makes jokes about girls being in the kitchen? single

If you want me, then show it. I`m not going to wait for you for my entire life.

Men are like a deck of cards. You`ll find the occasional king, but most are jacks

Dear boy, our small and silly conversation means more to me than you`ll ever know.