Men are like roses, watch out for all of the pricks.

Young love is two hearts with only one thing in mind.

Want to surprise your girlfriend? Introduce her to your wife.

20 percent boys of the world have brains, rest have girlfriends.

WOMAN: The most efficient money reducing agent known to man-kind!

Girls are like roads more the curves more the dangerous they are.

A woman is already halfway in love with any man who listens to him.

Love is when you fall asleep in his arms and wake up in his dreams.

Dear boys, what is the point of giving a fake hope? Sincerely, Girls

If she catches me staring, at least I will know she was looking back.

Were you in Boy Scouts? Because you sure have tied my heart in a knot.

Either my eyes need checking or you’re the best looking guy I have seen.

When hugging her, lift her off her feet and spin around. she’ll love it.

To boy, girls are just city buses. There’s another one every five minutes.

Every time you mistreat a woman, you give up the right to be treated like a man.