Lets learn to ignore selfish people just like the way we ignore Terms & conditions of any software.

Laziness is the mother of all bad habbits but ultimately she is a MOTHER and we should respect her.

Laziness is the mother of all bad habbits but ultimately she is a MOTHER and we should respect her.

I was blinded by your beauty so I’m going to need your name and number for insurance reasons.

I’ve noticed you noticing me and I’m just giving you notice that I’ve noticed you!

Wonders, do you do anything on your own or does everyone else think and make your decisions for you?

ME without you is like: Facebook without friends, Youtube without videos and Google with no results.

I’ve noticed you noticing me and I’m just giving you notice that I’ve noticed you!

If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you dont, you’ll find an excuse.

Women always worry about the things that men forget; men always worry about the things women remember.

I don’t like to think myself as ‘Special’ I like to think myself as limited edition.

If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you dont, you’ll find an excuse.

Women always worry about the things that men forget; men always worry about the things women remember.

Just wondering why brain cells die, skin cells die, your hair follicle die, but fat cells live FOREVER?

Sometimes the best revenge is moving forward and being happy despite the people that try to drag you down.