Banta was walking home late one night when he came upon this intoxicated tramp on the sidewalk Wanting to help he asked the man Do you live here? Yesh the man slowly replied Would you like me to help you upstairs? Banta asked Yesh the man slowly sputtered When they got up on the second floor Banta asked Is this your floor? Yesh again the man replied Banta got to thinking that maybe he didn`t want to face the man`s irate wife because she may think he was the one who got the man drunk So he opened the first door he came to and shoved him through it then went back downstairs But lo and behold when he went back outside there was another tramp lying on the sidewalk So Banta asked that man Do you live here? Yesh Would you like me to help you upstairs? Yesh So Banta did and put him in the same door with the first tramp Then went back downstairs where to his surprise there was another tramp So Banta started over to him But before he got to him the tramp staggered over to a policeman and cried For God`s sake offisher protect me from thish man He`sh been doing nothing all night long but takin` me upstairsh and throwing me down the elevator shaft

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