Forgive me now. Tomorrow I may no longer feel guilty.

Try to say the letter "M" without your lips touching.

Everythings funnier when youre supposed to be quiet..

Is your name Summer.? because you are as hot as hell.

Sorry.. I m not Rihanna. I don t love the way you lie.

I feel lazier than the guy who drew the Japanese flag.

I watch pom. I know that you misread that, didn`t you?

Sometimes the only one who can appreciate you, is you.

My study period = 15 minutes. My break time = 3 hours.

Facebook is the adult way of having imaginary friends.

ME I won t get jealous. ME Who s this fucking asshole?

Facebook is the adult way of having imaginary friends.

People who don t sleep are my favorite kind of people.

Reading texts half asleep is like looking into the sun

Sleep is for the people who has no access to Internet.