Don`t you know it`s rude to talk while I`m interrupting?

God made cousins so that parents can compare our marks..

You call it lying, I call it protecting your feelings...

I BLAME MOVIES for my high expectations of relationships

What do you call a cow during an earthquake? Milk shake!

Facebook, because time isn’t going to kill itself.

Shortest horror story in history: Tomorrow is Monday....

People said to follow your dreams so i went back to bed.

When your parents have more friends on Facebook than you

Life is hard normally, but its harder if you are Stupid.

JuSt bEcAuSe i m sInGlE DoEsN T MaKeS Me aVaIlAbLe !! ;)

The definition of a beautiful girl is one who loves me :)

I will marry the girl, who look pretty in her Adhaar card

I m so poor I went to KFC today to lick people s fingers.

Plant a seed of friendship & reap a bouquet of happiness.