* 16th Of January * The Luckiest day for the World The Winds were fresher then ever before The Sun brightly shining on the World The Sky was blue and Clean. Beautiful Birds filled the air with their beautiful voices, Parrots were singing a birthday Song & The Pigeons were praising God for this day. The Forest was Greener The fruits were sweeter & The Smell of Roses filled the atmosphere. The world was absorbed in a strange light (NooR) Sadness was lost & Happiness Covered the world. Angels were sent to the World To welcome someone who was My Love, She was sweeter then honey & brighter then the Sun. People had desires which were fulfilled that day Everyone slept happily and peace covered their house, There wasn?t no corruption, People met each others like brothers. It was the 16th of January and a blessing to the world because someone was born who was far more then a girl SHE WAS MY LOVE SHE IS MY LOVE SHE WILL ALWAYS BE MY LOVE!

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