I can understand people simply fleeing the mountainous effort Christmas has become... but there are always a few saving graces and finally they make up for all the bother and distress.

I can understand people simply fleeing the mountainous effort Christmas has become... but there are always a few saving graces and finally they make up for all the bother and distress.

Itz tHE mönth of cÄkEs N cÄndlEs.. snöw N songs.. cÉlEbrations N dEcorÄtions.. LaughtEr N LövE.. Itz DEcEmbEr! Wishing u a LövEly n fun-filled

Itz tHE mönth of cÄkEs N cÄndlEs.. snöw N songs.. cÉlEbrations N dEcorÄtions.. LaughtEr N LövE.. Itz DEcEmbEr! Wishing u a LövEly n fun-filled

I can understand people simply fleeing the mountainous effort Christmas has become... but there are always a few saving graces and finally they make up for all the bother and distress.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas. I hope your family gets together and has a good time. I hope you get a lot of presents and Cookies. I hope you have a great holiday and a Happy New year !

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exists, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy.

We consider Christmas as the encounter, the great encounter, the historical encounter, the decisive encounter, between God and mankind He who has faith knows this truly; let him rejoice

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year, and I love you too. I hope you make cookies and pie. I hope you bye me a big dog sled that says barkstreet boys and one with spicedogs.

Lawsuits fly on everything from manger scenes on certain properties to whether schools can sing Christmas carols. In spite of our rhetoric, most of us are relieved when the season is ove.

I love Christmas and I really got in to the spirit of it - early on in the year usually. Maybe June, July, perhaps May or April, I would begin to talk about what we would do on Christmas.

your as big boned as father christmas clausyour as big boned as father christmas claus, your as stupid as a donkey, your as shit in bed as a camal, but your still the right person for me!

New is the year, new are thehopes and the aspirations, new isthe resolution, new are the spiritsand forever my warm wishes arefor u.Have a promising and fulfillingnew year.HAPPY CHRISTMAS

It will be a hard game if you think about winning a championship. We need to think about our own game at the moment and focus on getting good results especially over the Christmas period.

In our racist, sexist society, Christmas is the 8 hours when we stop killing each other and gratutious over eating is encouraged so that the starving and other people in the world can die!