Sharp is ur memory sweet is ur name deep in my heart u ll always remain Earth wants water flower wants dew I want nothing but a smile from u

Rules of Life:Assume Nothing,Xpect Little,Do More,Demand Less,Smile Often,Dream Big,Laugh a Lot,Pray Always,Cry Once for missing me everyday.

Why did God Create you before Me....? Ans: Bcause he wanted to Create a SAMPLE,Befor Creating A *Master-Piece* He! He! He! Hu!! Hu!! Hey!! Hey!!

Once upon a time something happened to me It was the sweetest thing that ever could be it was a fantasy a dream come true It was the day I met u

Think big think smart think positive think beautiful think great; But I know this is too much for you; So here is a shortcut just think about ME

When the night comes look at the sky If u see a falling star don t wonder why just make a wish Trust me it will come true coz I did it I found U

Hello What s wrong with your mobile? Tried so many times but Every time I call it says: The subscriber your are trying to reach is in your heart

Those innocent eyes, those kissable lips, a great smile the perfect walk, smoothest talk, absolute gorgeous, thts enough bout me... how are you ?

Wonderful combinations in this world: Heart and beats Night and moon Music and songs Roses and love My messages and your smile after reading them

If u find ur world as a sky and ur friends as STARS and if U don t find me among them dont worrry I ve just been fallen to make ur wish come true

Girl you are clever girl you are smart; Girl your are like a work of art; Girl you are sexy; Girl you are fine; The only thing you ain t is; Mine

The sky without stars is like sleep without dreams like a song without music like a rose without smell like a face without smile like ME without U

Once Upon a Time Something happened to me It was the sweetest thing that ever could be It was a fantasy a dream come true it was the day I met you

Flowers fie, ories end, songs fade, memories are forgotten, all things come to end, but people like u always remain forever, becus ghosts never die.

I trusted u a lot bcoz u r close to me But why engage in stupid talk at my back? Stop telling everybody that I`m BORN GENIUS u know I hate publicity