Always ask God to give u wht u deserve not what u desire UR desires may be few but u deserve a lot Have a Great Day

To be the Subject of jealousy is the sign of Failure; To be the Object of jealousy is the sign of Success Good day

Start the Day with a deep breath inhale all the Luv Goodness of God exhale the tears fears worries Have a great day

Each one of us is a unique brand Every single day we are either adding to or destroying this brand equity Good Day

Our attainments r not the fruits of our efforts alone but also of others prayers for us Gud Morning have a nice day

Calmness and tolerance act like air-conditioning in a room they increase a person s efficiency Have a very good day

If people around you are trying to pull you down be proud about it It only means one thing: U are above them Gud Day

Hi Moon Dim Ur light Hello Wind Breeze Soft Hello Earth Spin Gently Coz my sweet friend is going to sleep Good Night

Welcome the new day with: Smile on your face; Love in your heart; And good thoughts in your mind Have a wonderful day

The world will provide you with stones every day; what you build out of it is you outlook - A Bridge or a Wall Gud Day

When you focus on your problems you ll find them; When you focus on solutions you ll find them Have a problem-free day

Worst thing in life? Someone has tears in eyes because of U And the best thing? Someone has tears in eyes for U Gud Day

The biggest suspense of our life is We know for whom we are praying; But we never know who is praying for us Good Day

One of the best feelings in the world is knowing that our presence and absence both mean something to someone Good day

Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere; And sometimes in the middle of nowhere you find yourself Good Day