Whats live ? Live is love. Whats love ? Love is kissing. Whats kissing ? Come here and I show you.

Fact: Kissing is a painkiller mentally emotionally as well as physically Please alleviate my pain

Excellent Saying: The best things in life; Can never be kept; They must be given away A smile love a kiss

The best kiss is the one that has been exchanged a thousand times between the eyes before it reaches the lips

If loving was against the law and kissing was a crime; I would gladly spend my life with you in prison doing time

Life is a gift of nature; Love is a gift of life; And a kiss is the gift of love I am simply longing for you lips

If loving was against the law; And kissing was a crime; I would gladly spend my life with you in prison doing time

A kiss is special thing that you can cant take without giving and you cant give without taking Let s exchange ours

Benefits of Kissing ;Changes taste;Burns Calories;Lips never go dry;Relieves Stress;Makes face muscles strong;So KEEP KISSING:

your love is like water in the ocean it last forever,your kiss is like a remeberable story,couse i always rember it,i love you

There are flowers in my garden; There are flowers in the park; But nothing is more beautiful than our two lips meeting in the dark

Kissing you is like a bee sucking honey from a flower The hunger might be satiated but the soul craves for more Longing for a kiss

What kisses mean Kiss on Hand = I adore you Kiss on Cheek = Let s be friends Kiss on Neck = I want you Kiss on Lips = I love you

Kissing is very beneficial for lips It keeps the lips: Soft Moist Supple and medically proven to benefit us So keep KISSING regularly

A man: Snatches the first kiss; Pleads for the second; Demands the third; Takes the fourth; Accepts the fifth; And endures all the rest