I wish you: N: New beginnings E: Eternal bliss W: Wallow in Wealth Y: Yields of magnitude E: Enormous happiness A: Amazing times R: Rendezvous at all times Happy New Yea

We are in the last month of the year Just felt I should thank everyone who made me smile this year You are one of them so here s a big Thank You And a very Happy New Yea

I wish you 12 months of HAPPINESS; 52 weeks of LOVE; 365 days of SUCCESS; 8760 hours of GOOD HEALTH; 525600 minutes GOOD LUCK ; 31536000 seconds of FUN HAPPY NEW YEAR

May the New Year give you N: New Hopes with an E: Early Start to W: Work Y: Yielding E: Enormous A: Assets and R: Returns Seasons greetings and best wishes for a New Yea

Years come and go,but this year I specially wish for you a double dose of health and happiness topped with loads of good fortune. Have a great year ahead! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

Each moment in a day has its own value. Morning brings HOPE, afternoon bringsFAITH, Evening brings LOVE, Night brings REST, Hope you will all of themeveryday. HAPPY NEW YEAR

Good message to a Good Person from a Good Person for a Good reason at a Good time on a Good Day in a Good Month and a Good Year Wish you a very Good New Year full of Goodies

May the New Year brings with it new colors of joy new hues of happiness and new tints of success Sending you a spectrum of wishes to brighten your days and lighten your nights

Each moment in a day has its own value Morning brings Hope; Afternoon brings Faith; Evening brings Love and Night brings Rest Hope you have all of them everyday Happy New Yea

Each moment in a day has its own value Morning brings Hope; Afternoon brings Faith; Evening brings Love; Night brings Rest; Hope you ll get all of them everyday Happy New Yea

Raat Chandani Timtimate Taare; Shaam ke Dhalte Gumm Hoye Nazaare; Naye Saal ka Ab Hoga Neya Savera; Dukh Hun Durr aur Niyya Lage Teri Kinaare; Naye Saal ki Badhai O Mere Pyaare

Here s to the bright New Year and a fond farewell to the old; here s to the things that are yet to come and to the memories that we hold Anonymous Happy New Year my dear friend

Some people have nice eyes; Some have nice smiles ; Some have nice faces But you have all of them topped with a nice Heart Wish you a Happy New Year from the bottom of my heart

May the dawn of this New Year: Fill your heart with new hopes; Opens up new horizons; And bring for you promises of brighter tomorrows Have a wonderful year ahead Happy New Yea

Hope The New Year brings a lot of good cheer for you, May all Your Dreams Will be True, Hope the year also bring Gigabyte of Fun, Happy New Near and good luck with your Resolution.