Search for truth and you shall find beauty. Search for beauty and you shall find love. Search for love and you shall find God. Search for God and you shall have them all!

A word of love gives spice to life. A word from a friend gives pleasure and happiness to the heart. And the word of God gives light and meaning to our lives. Good morning.

Happiness is not in our circumstances, but in ourselves.vbCrLfIt is not something we see, like a rainbow,vbCrLfor feel, like the heat of a fire.vbCrLfHappiness is something we are.

Prayer is the key that opens your day to every blessing. It also is a lock that closes the night to keep you safe while sleeping. So what you have to do is "use your key all the time."

Life is good when somebody remembers. Life is uplifting when someone is always there. Life is great when someone would protect you and suffer. Cherish life because Someone always cares.

I can love you but God can love you deeper. I can be a friend but God can be your best friend. I can hug you but God can envelope you. You can cry to me but God can dry your tears. I can hold your hand but God can carry you.

Someday, someone will come into your life&Love you the way you always wanted....If your someday was yesterday, learn.If your someday is tomorrow, hope.If your someday is today, cherish!!!Have a Great Day...!! !Change is Constant

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