If your attitude stinks there s a good chance your life will too

People are like music some speak the truth and others are just noise

People are like music some speak the truth and others are just noise

A superior person is modest in his speech but exceeds in his actions

Only messages are not life but our life should be a message to others

Sometimes it s not the people who change it s the mask that falls off

I love hanging out with people who make me forget to look at my phone

The problem with closed-minded people is that their mouth is always open

People who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music

When you learn how much you are worth you ll stop giving people discounts

Common sense is like Deodorant the people who need it most - never use it

People who want by the yard but try by the inch should be kicked by the foot

Beauty and complexion may attract the eye but character appeals to the heart

Believe in what you know about people; And not in what you heard about people

Be careful who you open up to Only a few people care the rest are just curious