I digest everything I swallow; But if I drink water I ll die Guess what is it ?

Which eight-letter word still remains a word after removing each letter from it?

If you have me you want to share me If you share me you haven t got me What am I?

Which eight-letter word still remains a word every time a letter is removed from it?

A lawyer a plumber and a hat maker were walking down the street Who had the biggest hat?

Round like a apple deep like a cup but all the kings horses can t pull it up What is it?

A lawyer a plumber and a hat maker were walking down the street Who had the biggest hat?

Which eight-letter word still remains a word after we remove one letter from it at a time?

Brothers and sisters I have none; but this man s father is my father s son Who is the man?

A certain five letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it What is the word?

Rajiv has 5 daughters 1 Janu 2 Jenu 3 Jinu 4 Jonu 5 What is the name of the fifth daughter?

I have keys but no locks I have space but no room You can enter but can t go outside What am I?

I have keys but no locks I have space but no room You can enter but can t go outside What am I?

I am taken from a mine and kept in a wooden case I dutifully remain there till I die What am I?

Santa rode into a village on Friday and rode out 2 days later on Friday How can that be possible?