If you made the mistake of leaving someone your second mistake was letting them see they could live without you

Life is a constant conflict between Love and Ego Love always wants to say Sorry and Ego always wants to hear it

Whenever someone asks you for a relationship advice just point them in the direction of the nearest liquor store

A sweet relationship is: When we don t get along with each other; But we can t really do without each other also

The most painful and worst possible types of goodbyes are the ones - that are never said or never even explained

If you love someone show it It s better than telling it If you hate someone tell it it s better than showing it

Never use rough words with your loved ones because when you throw stones in water you never know HOW DEEP IT GOES

Don t worry - when I fight with you Worry - when I stop because it means there s nothing left for us to fight fo

Never mind people when they say you re mad; Because they actually mean to say that you M= Make A= A D= Difference

You re not my life but you re the one I want to spend it with You re not my world but you re the best thing in it

If silence is meant to be the best for all situations then why we do all get so hurt when people don t talk to us?

You get hurt only by people who occupy a big part of your heart The more it hurts the more important the person is

Relationship is just like water No Size No Shape No Place No Taste But it s essential for life So save it foreve

I love the ones who are in my life and make it amazing; And I thank the ones who left my life and made it fantastic

When you are single all you see is happy couples; And when your in a relationship all you see is happy single people