It is wonderful to get the answer of prayers; But it is even more wonderful when God converts you into an answer of somebody s prayers

When we pray: God hears more than we say Answers more than we ask Gives more than we imagine and in His own time and in His own way

When we pray: God hears more than we say; Answers more than we ask; Gives more than we imagine - But in His own time and in His own way

Always pray to have: Eyes that see the best; A mind that forgets the bad; A heart that forgives the worst; A soul that never loses faith

To fall in love with God is one of the Greatest Romances To seek Him the Greatest Adventure To find Him the greatest Human Achievement

We are not human beings going through a temporary spiritual experience We are spiritual beings going through a temporary human experience

It s wonderful when we get answers to our prayers; But it s even more wonderful when God converts us into an answer of somebody s prayers

Sometimes unanswered prayers are the best You never know what God has in store for you Keep praying you never know where God will lead you

Prayer changes things and worry changes nothing So instead of worrying about what you can do just pray and think of what GOD can do for you

In this world of e-mail e-paper e-recharge and e-transfer Never forget E-eshwar (God) who makes e-verything e-asy for e-veryone on e-veryday

We all are tourists GOD is our travel agent who has already fixed; All Routes Reservation Destinations; So trust him enjoy the trip named life

The first ever cordless phone was created by God He named it prayer It never loses its signal and you never have to recharge it Use it anywhere

Prayer is not a spare wheel that one pulls out when in trouble It s a steering wheel that keeps us on the right path through the curves of life

Sometimes a prayer doesn t change the situation but it changes our attitude towards the situation and give us hope which changes our entire life

God designs what we go through in life but we decide how we go through it In anything and everything the best plan begins and ends with a Praye