All I want in life is to lose weight and gain money Instead I am gaining weight and losing money

Just wondering why brain cells die skin cells die your hair follicle die but fat cells live FOREVER?

What we learnt from cows and buffaloes It is just impossible to lose weight by eating greens and salads

Person 1: I can draw really well Person 2: I can sing really well Me: I can eat and drink really well

I have finally realised that only way to lose weight with green tea is if you go to the mountain and pick it yourself

Me: Why am I still single? Brain: You re weird as shit Body: And you re fat Face: Plus you re ugly Food: But I m here for you

20 years ago we had Johnny Cash Bob Hope and Steve Jobs Now we have no cash no hope and no jobs Please don t let Kevin Bacon die

The past of eat is ate and the future of ate is Weight And the most funny part is that people realise it when its TOO LATE

I m starting to think that the gym isn t really for me I went this morning and laid down on the mat to do some sit-ups I woke up 2 hours late

It s hard to sleep when you know how BURDENED your mind is It s even harder to sleep when you know there is some left over Butter Chicken in the fridge

Ganpati Laughing Buddha Santa-Claus or Kuber They re a few of the most popular Gods who re in the heavier side So don t get hassled if you are a few pounds overweight