We humans are nothing without each other; So always take good care of your relationship

Relationships never die a Natural Death They are murdered by Ego Attitude or Ignorance

My attitude is a result of your actions So if you don t like my attitude blame yourself

Don t choose the one who is beautiful but choose the one who makes your world beautiful

Never try to maintain relations in your life Just try to maintain life in your relations

The most precious jewels you ll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children

It s better to be alone rather than be with someone who makes you feel like you re alone

True Relation: It s the one in which yesterday s fights do not stop today s communication

Relationships don t need to be perfect you just have find what s perfect about each othe

Friends: A relationship where you can act like complete idiots and still be happy about it

The best relation is the one in which yesterday s fight doesn t halt today s communication

There are two reasons why we don t trust people 1st: We don t know them 2nd: We know them

Recipe to make a great relationship: Find out the similarities; And respect the differences

We never pay attention to a part of body unlesss it pains Dont let it happen in relationships

At some point you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life