Alcohol - A liquid good for preserving almost everything except secrets

Being every successful hangover there is promise of never drinking again

Alcohol is a perfect solvent: It dissolves marriages families and careers

I tried to drown my sorrows in liquor but the bastards learnt how to swim

Behind every terrible Hangover there is a promise of never drinking again

Don t ever talk to your EX while drunk; because Booze has information in it

Just because you can t dance that doesn t mean you shouldn t dance Alcohol

I was pretty drunk last night No wonder my alarm didn t go off this morning

Just because you can t dance doesn t mean that you shouldn t dance Alcohol

Women: Divided by ego United by gossip Men: Divided by women United by Liquo

Only two kind of people enjoy their life: Punjabi and Sharabi Proud to be both

Think Positively: An empty glass gives you an opportunity to have another Drink

If one glass of wine is good for you - just imagine what a whole bottle could do

If you did not drink how would your friends ever know at 2 AM that you love them?

Money can t buy happiness Just kidding yes it can if that money is used to buy bee