We are WTF generation: Wikipedia Twitter and Facebook

Facebook is the adult way of having imaginary friends

Dear Twitter You cured my Facebook addiction Thanks

Irony is when people post Life is unfair from their iPhones

It`s raining it`s pouring Facebook is really getting boring

Who needs television when there is so much drama on Facebook

Be very careful before posting you may not like the comments

Facebook is not so bad once you block your family and friends

Sirish Kunder status update from Got Married to to Got Slapped

Guys: Wow her status is dumb but she s cute So I m gonna like it

Facebook does not ruin relationships Relationships ruin Facebook

You need a lion s heart to reject a girl s request on Facebook

It s a Facebook status and not a diary Please learn the difference

Twitter is a nursery for wannabe Critics FaceBook for Photographers

Studies show that friends who like My Posts have an above average IQ