There cannot be any crisis today my schedule is already full

Whatever you do always give 100% Unless you re donating blood

Rajnikant can light a fire by rubbing two ice-cubes together.

I m pretty sure - my prayers go directly to God s spam folde

Dear Spell Check I m pretty sure I spelled my name correctly

Girls are like domain names the ones I like are already taken

Rajnikant can make calls from his iPod to his iPad…!!!

A dentist and a manicurist married They fought tooth and nail

Worrying works! 90% of the things I worry about never happen.

Teacher: Where is the capital of India? Pappu: In Swiss Banks

How do you turn your dishwasher into a blower? Compliment he

Wives are magicians they can change anything into an argument

if you like me raise your hand and if not raise your standard

I hate it when I forward a chain mail and don t find a fortune

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups