Childish Game - The one at which your wife beats you

Marry someone who can cook; Love fades hunger doesn t

My wife has a split personality and I hate both of them

Marriage means commitment So does insanity Coincidence?

A good wife always forgives her husband when She s wrong

Q Why do men die before their wives? A Bcoz they want to

Marriage Certificate: Just another word for a work permit

Marriage is a workshop where husband works and wife shops

Short Sharp: Wife: I Love You Husband: Come to the point

If all brides are beautiful where do ugly wives come from?

I will marry the girl who looks pretty in her Aadhaar Card

Wife: Tell me those 3 magical words Husband: Galti Meri Hai

To err is human and to remember that error forever is Wife

The man who never made a mistake is married to a lady who did

A quiet man is a thinking man A quiet woman is hatching a plan