Completely irked Jeeto was waiting for Santa at the door There was alcohol on his breath and lipstick on his collar I assume snarled Jeeto That there s a very good reason for you to come waltzing in here at eight o clock in the morning There is said Santa Breakfast

Jeeto left a note on the fridge It s not working I can t take it anymore I am going to stay at my parents Santa opened the fridge the light came on and the beer was cold He muttered confusingly What the hell was she talking about? The refrigerator is working perfectly

Santa: I wasted my money by going to the Pet Store and buying some bird seed Banta: That s so considerate of you Why do you say that you wasted your money? Santa: Thanks But the trouble is that the birds are showing no sign of growing even after 1 month of planting the seed

Banta went on a trip to Goa that was part work part vacation He fell so in love with the place that he emailed his friend Santa Catch next plane out Bring my wife and your mistress Santa emailed back Your wife and I arriving tomorrow 4:30 PM How long have you know about us?

Banta went into a barber shop and said I want my hair cut so that it s all different lengths round the front and back there s a strange spiky bit on top and bald patches here here and here I don t think I can do that said the barber Banta: Why not? You did last time I was here

During a recent password audit it was found that Santa was using the following password on his office desktop system: BittuPappuLuckyHappySonuPinkyRaniGuddi Office Aministrator: Why such a long password? Santa: Because the policy states that it has to be at least 8 characters long

Santa complains to Banta I can t take it anymore Banta: What s wrong? Santa: It s my wife Every time we have an argument she gets historical You mean hysterical chuckled Banta No I mean HISTORICAL Santa insists Every argument we have she ll go - I still remember that time when you

Someone called Santa at three o clock in the morning Caller: Is that the Community Hospital? Santa: No it s not This is a private residence Caller: I must have the wrong number Sorry to trouble you at this time of night Santa: Ah it s no trouble I had to get up anyway to answer the phone

Santa: I found Aladdin s Lamp last week Banta: What did you do with it? Santa: I rubbed it and asked him to increase all wives intelligence by 10 times Banta: But things don t seem to have changed with Preeto Santa: Let me finish The ginnie laughed told me Multiplication does not apply to Zero

A kid bought stuff worth Rs 45 from Santa s shop and gave him a 5 rupee note and put (zero) behind 5 and gave it to Santa On top of it he asked for the balance Rs 5 Having been outsmarted Santa took out a 50 rupee note and crossed (zero) with a pen and gave it to the kid and said Now we are even

Santa walks into a bar and approaches the barman Can I have a glass of Less please? I m sorry sir the barman replies looking slightly puzzled I ve not come across that one before Is it a spirit? Santa: I ve no idea the thing is I went to see my doctor last week and he told me that I should drink LESS

Santa and Banta went out to dine and ordered 2 drinks They then took their sandwiches from their lunch boxes and started to eat Seeing this the waiter told them Sorry but you can t eat your own sandwiches in here Santa and Banta looked at each other shrugged their shoulders and exchanged their sandwiches

Santa and Banta are looking through a mail order catalogue Santa: Look at these gorgeous women The prices are reasonable too Banta agrees I m ordering one right now 3 weeks later Santa says to Banta Has your woman turned up yet? No said Banta but it shouldn t be long now though Her clothes arrived yesterday

Salesman: Sir which shaving cream do u use? Banta: Kumara s Salesman: Which after shave do you use? Banta: Kumara s Salesman: Which toothpaste do you use? Banta: Kumara s ? Salesman: Which shampoo do you use? Banta: Kumara s Salesman: Sir what is this Kumara s? Is it an international brand? Banta: No he is my roommate

Santa went to Mumbai to see the sights and rented a room at a hotel and while checking asked the clerk about the hours for meals We have breakfast from 7 to 11 AM lunch from 12 noon to 3 PM Evening Tea from 4 to 7 PM and dinner from 8 too 11 PM explained the clerk Look here inquired Santa with surprise what time am I going to see the town?